Sleeping...or lack of
This post explains my efforts at modifying sleep patterns and muscle recovery. Just remember I am not a doctor and am a strong believer that you should do your own research before starting any new supplement or biological daily ritual.
Personally, sleep has never been a main priority or even thought as enjoyable. I have always frowned on the amount of time an "average" person spends with their eyes shut out to the world, 7-9 hours every night! That is 20 years if you are like me and consider a high speed exit from this world in your 60's.
When I was young all I wanted was more day light to work on RC cars, ride my bicycle, and avoid the scary chasing shadow cast by the street lights a I raced down hills on my roller blades or skateboard. I would wear myself out and get to bed anxious and distracted, the sun couldn't come up soon enough!
In college countless nights were spent cramming. The result in most cases, zombie like entrance into the class room or sleeping through my 7 alarms. I always thought it would be amazing if my body didn't fatigue. From this, my curiosity in minimizing sleep was founded, but in so many fucked up ways.
What does a low income student who would use SparkNotes for a shopping list (if it existed) do? Caffeine and nicotine! My life became polluted with chewing tobacco, coffee, and caffeine pills.
End result:
Pros- I could stay up for 24-36 hours at a time.
Cons- Besides the massive 12-15 hour crash on the weekends or random weekday, I was plagued with headaches, loss of strength, and lack of concentration (except with the smart drugs).
Kick boxing pulled me out of this lifestyle. I found out what it was like to be exhausted, both mentally and physically. Between 18 unit quarters, 2-4 hours of training a day, and 20-30 hours of machine shop work, sleep was my escape.
As I laid down at night with ice packs on my shins the heaviness of the day sunk me into an oasis. The Goodwill mattress sitting on my floor was no longer something to avoid, but something to look forward to. However, there was no method to this madness, and in my usual fashion I would burn out to the point where either training or school suffered.
Flash forward to 2013... I am now working as an engineer wanting to maximize my output while maintaining. what I consider, a healthy lifestyle. I began to research ways to increase sleep quality, decrease necessary sleep time, and accelerated body healing.
Here is a brief overview at my day during the peak of my multivariate exploration.
5:30 am- Wake up, swallow 6 BCAA capsules
5:35 am- Ice cold shower for 5 min
5:45 am- Foam roll legs and back for 10 min
6:00 am- Training, Cardio, light bodyweight, or surf
7:00 am- Breakfast (3 eggs w/bacon or Protein shake)
7:30 am- Arrive at work
7:00 pm- Arrive back at home
7:30 pm - Mobility work
8:00 pm -Swim or Crossfit
9:30 pm - Strength training
11:30 pm - Work from home or relax
1:00 am - Ice cold shower, Poppy-seed Extract, 6 L'Glutamine capsules
1:30 am - Sleep
All I can say is that it works! I had more energy during the days, my workouts were great, and my sleep was deeper than ever before. The torture of cold showers in the morning and at night are by far the hardest aspect of minimizing sleep, but after a week of being consistent you no longer dread it, rather you cannot wait for the feeling that comes directly after.
So with this rave review, why would I stop? The truth is that many of the tactics have diminishing returns. BCAA and L'Glutamine become less effective at muscle repair as your body gets use to their daily intake. Poppy-seed extract if taken at incorrect times or in excessive doses can inhibit REM sleep cycles. And cold showers can be ruined when you have company or are traveling.
Have fun. Experiment with your own combination. And comment with your results or input.