Aiming to Fail

“If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and would achieve nothing." -Margaret Thatcher

Getting an audience

This entry is the first of its kind for me.  A public blog post on my own website.  I want to thank a few people to kick this off and give credit where credit is due.

Jacob Bowles* pointed me to Squarespace and opened my eyes to the opportunities a personal domain can unlock. 

Nick Doucette is the creative mind behind the name of my website ( and a daily reminder that I need to work with a sense of urgency.  

My mom, for always leading by example and teaching me to speak my mind.

Writing is something I have always enjoyed.  Not in the sense of perfecting grammar or even making much sense, rather the free flowing culmination of feelings and experiences.

When I was in elementary school I played with the idea of writing books and failed multiple times at a young age.  Go figure.  A book is a commitment.  A long lasting, tiresome, and sometimes seemingly endless process that no child should take on as it would severely damp what life is about.  As you will see in future blog posts, this fear of commitment is a common theme in my life.

Even still, I excelled in writing along with math and science growing up, which is probably why I was never held back for my lacking skills in reading and comprehension.  All throughout grade school and college I found that writing essays was easy.  Using book summaries from Cliffnotes or Sparknotes I could embellish stories and analyze characters very quickly and bullshit enough to get me a passing grade and focus on what I liked,  working with my hands.

It was not until my most recent serious relationship ended in February 2012 that I found writing was more than just an academic exercise.  My childhood fascination with creation was reignited.  My letters were unedited, candid, and 100% real.  It felt great to vent it all out onto paper.  As a stoic and terse individual this was a good way of relaying my feelings.

Much of the time, however, my writing doesn't make sense to the reader.  Plagued with spelling and grammatical errors, the reaction was frustration and confusion, both feelings I wanted to settle not stir up.  I usually would end up reading the letter out loud and get choked up on my own words.

I decided that I should not wait until I have a emotional end to a relationship or an argument with someone to write.  The exercise of capturing thoughts on a multitude of topics is a great way enlighten yourself and others around you.

This blog is set to be a medium for me to relay whats on my mind in a more organized fashion.  I plan to complete my personal entries with a free write, quick read-through, and one edit.  The audience is you!  My friends, family, and anyone who hears about this through word of mouth.

I am beyond excited to get this project kicked off!

Aiming to fail is meant to highlight my intended way of life.  Seeking uncomfortable situations both personally and professionally in an attempt to grow and flourish.  I hope that you guys enjoy my posts.  I will also be posting guest writers who have a story on how they aimed to fail and grew from it, learned a valuable lesson, or fell flat on their face.


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